Little Rebellions:

Demands, Transgressions, and Anomalies in the Kamtapur Struggle


  • Arijeet Mandal


Kamtapur, New Social Movement, Leftism, Bengal, Anarchy


During the last years of 1990s and the beginning of the millennia, North Bengal was shaken from its mundane reality right into a middle of a rebellion. With tears of history and warcries of the present, Kamtapur movement revealed itself. In this paper I have tried to locate the social, political, and ideological inclinations that are present within the movement. On one hand my paper intends to critique the presence of what can be called Kochbehar nationalism based on the memory of a pre-independence princely state, on the other hand I am also critiquing the trends and aftermaths of Leftist politics that has been assimilated into the movement itself. While the presence of these two different and to an extent contradictory political thoughts are present within the movement; I have also taken up these new trends in the lights of anarchist tendencies which put more importance on quasi-separations from dominant power centres than class-determinism alone, of course followed by a goal for local empowerment.


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Author Biography

Arijeet Mandal

Arijeet Mandal has recently received his MPhil from Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC) for writing a thesis titled, ‘Haunting Spectres and Chanting Pantheons: A Study into the Political Ideas of Kamtapur Movement.’ This article is largely built on his MPhil work. He has an MA in English from Jadavpur University. His areas of interest include new social movements, subaltern studies, Marxism, and Bengal.




How to Cite

Mandal, . A. . (2021). Little Rebellions:: Demands, Transgressions, and Anomalies in the Kamtapur Struggle. Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry, 1(2), 103–126. Retrieved from